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弟9巻 , 弟1号 , (pp.4-14)
[PDF (266.7K)]

星川欣孝、増田 優
お茶の水女子大学 ライフワールド・ウオッチセンター
Study on Strategies for Capacity Building of Integrated Chemicals Management (17)
-Verification of Intermediate Report from points of Spoiling Public health and Competitiveness-

Ochanomizu University Life World Watch Center

Abstract: Four chemicals regulatory divisions of MHLW METI and MOE had organized a ministerial joint committee in April and ended its activities with preparing its intermediate report in September. We examined the mandate of the committee and the adequacy of the procedures of preparing its report and the contents in comparison to Diet’s supplementary resolutions to the revision of the chemicals review and regulation law on May 2009 and the international agreement based on SAICM and found out that it has many flaws to be repaired. Then we recommend here the rethinking of its report from the beginning of the agenda setting for the integration of regulatory schemes across the ministries.
Keywords: Chemical management policy Integrated chemicals management Ministerial Joint Committee Diet’s supplementary resolutions Information collection and communication systems
Keywords: 化学物質管理政策 , 化学物質総合管理 , 関係省庁合同会議 , 国会附帯決議 , 情報収集伝達システム ,
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